Beyond Secrets Whispered by the wind

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Anne Russel (f. 1980)
The days have slipped constantly and soft at the bed of the creek. Juliette, afternoon on afternoon, kept doing her daily obligation, which was to take a couple of water bucket, that she got so fresh from the creek, and to carry them to home.
   Her mother waited by her standing at the threshold, very upset for finishing the dinner meal, so that she always complained, blaming her daughter for having been late enough. Juliette, staring at the ground, always said as an excuse: "- Sorry mom, but the wind had disheveled my hair and I had to comb it again before coming back, holding the buckets..." , or somewhat like: "- I'm sorry mom, but the trees were so beautiful than any days before, and I might say to each one of them the much they were wonderful today..."
   Juliette was a romantic one and the nature seemed to talk to her, it was a language understood by her better than any other way of communication; it was her own life whose history seemed to run thru the clear waters, on the wind...
   But her mother didn't understand things like those, she needed to work all day long and get her home clean and the dinner ready early, 'cause her husband, a lumberman, together with her eight kids would get home very soon and if the dishes weren't placed on the table, it was not worthy that little and fancy talk about wind or wood trees.
   Although all that, Juliette had never got tired of spilling her smile and happiness when she walked thru the forest until getting the creek. She spoke with the flowers, she'd touch in the colored wings from the butterflies. In that moments, she felt as she could even touching high up in the sky..
   Then, she expected quite eager along all day for the moment which she could go to the creek in order to bring water - and joy. She always got back happier from there, and expected for the other day to come to go back again.
   And it was Juliette's day where composed (made) of. She didn't expect anything besides what she had already, and she didn't have anything but the joy for living, and that was it all.
   But happened that one day, when she came up to the creek, Juliette saw the shape of a man endowed of an uncommon beauty, he resembled being a noble from the court, such were his trait and clothes, though, he was among a kind of fog which involved him of a strange way, so that Juliette couldn't see his face, the more she tried, and she could only hear some voices that seemed to come from a distant place, blown by the wind as a tune that said: "Love!... Love!..." - And the guy went on at the border of the creek, silent, he looked like also listening to the voices come from such a far away and he also seemed to look for someone.
   Juliette felt so much pity of the guy, he was quite lonesome that even the trees got to speak to him and the wind came to soothe him with those words from the Nature; his only company.
   She wanted her to say anything to him as well - she not even thought about her own loneliness, 'cause even though her so numerous family, there was no one there at her home who she could talk about her feeling and emotion.
   But when she'd run toward him in order to show him such a beautiful things that were there around - which him didn't seem to notice at all - he simply disappeared, alike a smoke screen, and mixed himself at the clouds on the sky, and at that exact moment Juliette woke up.
   - Oh my! What a strange dream... although so beautiful!... And at "my" creek?!...
   And the word sighted by the wind came to her memory again: Love!
   Juliette had never thought about love before. She had lived a life full of innocence from her home boundaries that didn't go besides the narrow way to the creek. And her happiness was made of her daily obligation which she found so noble: To bring to her mother the water which was waited by her all days long with the same need and anxiously.
   Juliette didn't know was the love and not even had seen any young man besides her own brothers. But since the very first minute on which she saw that guy in her dream, she felt right away a kind of tenderness so strong, such strong feeling that seemed to deny having been that meeting just a dream. She felt as she had really ran toward the young guy and had asked him about the source of his so deep sadness.
   Then, on the following afternoon, she left her modest house to get the creek as she did every days. But on that special day she couldn't see the joy from the other days of them. The trees resembled so sad and the wind didn't play to her hair anymore; and when she got till the creek's border it was how she could see the shape from the sad guy of her dream, and as she didn't believe that he could exist actually, she didn't notice that some foot marks (bigger than the ones made by her own feet), pressed the ground where she was on, and she just picked one of her buckets up and filled it with water, rising her body afterwards to go back to home. But before she could leave the place, three tear drops rolled over her face, getting away from her eyes, without she could notice them, and the three dear drops fall on the creek, what made some little waves in the water.
   And suddenly, it looked like she was still dreaming, 'cause a voice started sounding from the waters and it said:
   - There are sadness among the forest today, and only you can bring the happiness and the joy back again.
   Juliette got a jolt and extremely scared she wanted to run away without even leading the buckets, but she remembered her mother was waiting for the water, then, she hold back a little, and got back to take them again. Her hands were shivering of afraid, she didn't get to believe in all that as a reality.
   But when she took the buckets from the ground, she could see the image of the guy, reflected in the water of the creek. Right away she looked around, trying to see where he was, but there was no one beside or behind her.
   She ran so fastly to home, that one of her buckets knocked over on the way, spilling all its water on the ground. Juliette got home with just one of the buckets full filled, and her mother didn't get to figure out what had happened, and Juliette didn't get to explain anything as well. She ran into bedroom, she felt like only crying. Her mother couldn't talk to her, 'cause she needed to finish the dinner, so Juliette got alone in her bedroom, and she thought of never more coming back to that creek.
   That thought filled her up with a sadness so great that now she could understand the loneliness living in the eyes of the guy from the creek.
   The only love that had in all her life was the love that she had for walking till the creek, receiving the thankful from the beauty which was watched by her eyes. All afternoons she observed the so shy change in each little places; some times there were nests where new flowers in blossom, other times there were nests were the life just were born. Juliette loved all that small things, her life reflected herself there more beautiful and larger, and in the creek's water she could fell the drops thanking her for the care which she gave to it always that she took the couple of water buckets in order to supply the necessity of her family.
   But what happened there left her quite scared, and she'd rather don't come back there, but it was like leaving behind all that she loved most in the world, it was the biggest loneliness' feeling that her heart had already tasted.
   She wondered if that guy who she had seen in her dream and in the creek's reflex was bleeding for some alike.
   How much pity she felt for him!... - And so, she not even remembered her own loneliness and sadness.
   And at little window from her bedroom, laid down one bird, quite colored, which made her pay attention when he started singing strongly, one kind of "string" never heard for her before.
   She smiled at the bird, which came to cheer her up.
   - Who are you, my friend? I've never seen another one alike you!
   And it kept on singing, without flying away from her window, and in its little foot was attached one old sheet of paper in what something shinned beside, it seemed one drop of water.
   Juliette saw that shinning drop, and found quite strange, she wouldn't dare to take that message from it, but the bird seemed to divine what she was thinking of, and using its own beak, unbounded the nose which tied the little message and put it carefully at windowsill.
   She opened the paper slowly, then fell into her hands what she saw shining moments before. It was three pearls which shined alike water's drops against the sun.
   She went on holding those rare stones, while read what was written in the sheet of paper:

"Her tears became themselves in these shining stones when they touched the creek's water. There are sorrows and pains hidden among that waters, wounds which only will can be rescued through the Love of the eyes from whom cries pure tears, able to change the toughness into freedom again."
   Juliette didn't understand very well, but she held out strength the pearls in her hands. She had her own tears among her fingers... that was very strange... How could have happened something like that? There was doubts enough, but since that she remembered the sad image of the guy reflected into creek's surface, she knew that the pain which she should set free, it was HIM.
   She was looking forward helping him, she'd have to help him from what had impaired him, doesn't minding what it was.
   And she went out from her house, without being perceived; no one in her home saw Juliette going to the creek. She was going to try to rescue the guy, she didn't know what to do in order to set him free, making him appears from the deep of water. So, she read again the message and understood that those tears had became them into crystals at moment that they fell in the creek because they didn't have found answers in the sad eyes of the guy. He should have received the tears in his own eyes... maybe he wasn't able to cry...
   Then, Juliette sat down on the creek's border and started talking as whom talks to a friend:
   - I noticed that there was sadness in your image, I also noticed your empty eyes, looking for lost something, without, not even getting to perceive what surrounds you. I was so happy before knowing your sadness... I could see the trees and I'd want to embrace them, I felt the wind and my desire was tying me to its way, but I was happy just for knowing that it touched me and leaded part of myself thru this universe. I said thanks to these waters every day, for serving my family always, with fidelity. However, since I bled by your pain, I don't get to see anything that I saw before... this loneliness destructed something in myself, and shall have been this way that destroyed you as well, and locked you in your own pains. Look again to the Life! I will help you!
   And at this moment, she threw away the pearls at creek, and closed her eyes, wishing that the happiness and the love that she felt toward that place didn't run over, never; and that it was so great. So much, that everything that was around her could feel it as well.
   And there was one alive symphony made of sounds and movements, one answer from the Nature to the Love that Juliette gave to it. And the wind touched the flowers, making one amazing ballet of colors and synchronism. And the trees shook their leaves, as if whispered the word: Love, in an endless echo.
   The sun set up its clearest light upon the creek's water.
   Juliette only felt these sounds and shine, 'cause she kept on her eyes closed, when suddenly from her eyes fell one tear, one single drop of the purest tear, over flowed from the deep of her own soul. It was the Fifth Essence that her being poured in the silence orchestrated of the wind, and whispered by the trees.
   It was a tear of joy, her soul was soft, she didn't have fear, anymore. She'd want to show to that lonely guy, through of her eyes, what she saw every days, and that how that filled up her life so completely; the simply of Nature, that served all the ones who needed of it, and that answered with joy to whom got cheered up by it.
   Juliette smiled at the creek's water, always with the closed eyes, so that her soul could talk thru her, and at one moment, she put one of her hands on her chest, when she reminded of guy's eyes, who looked like lost, searching far away for something that he'd never find.
   Touching her heart, Juliette showed to the guy that wherever he was, all his anxiousness, doubts and seeks, he'd have, at first and foremost, look at his own heart. Inside himself would be many answers. She smiled, proving thru her purity and simplicity the reason of her own happiness: The peace of Heart. She wasn't expecting anything besides what she already had: The freedom, the chance of being until, the admiration by the Nature which together she shared gypsy moments of venture.
   So that, finally, she opened her eyes, and the creek's water was calm, like never it was before. Juliette saw clearly her own reflex, and there was one halo of light around everything that surrounded her. However, beside her, she noticed another reflex. She touched the water, thinking that only there would be the image that she saw. But when the water got serene one more time, she went on seeing the reflex beside her. It was the same guy, and now she got to see his face. How handsome he was, and he didn't have the sad look anymore, and not even looked at farthest place. In his hands he held one beautiful bouquet of white lily, from what Juliette could almost feel the perfume. Only at this moment she noticed that was real, and turned her head to back, to be sure that it wasn't a dream. And he was actually in front of her, with a tender smile on his lips, and coming up to her, he gave her the bouquet and told:
   - These flowers are your own tears of happiness, and my freedom I owe to your Love. I was a prisoner of myself, for too long. I searched far away from here for the beauty of life and feelings... before, I not even had looked at this Nature quite kind and gentle that surrounded me. And one day, while I looked at distances around here and dreamed of traveling to find at last the freedom that I believed to be so far from me, I fell into this creek, and I don't know which gypsy was able to lock me under my own steps. And my loneliness grew up day after day, I thought my freedom lost forever, when I noticed the freedom that was alive in a simple girl who fed all her family, every days, with these waters, and I noticed that she was happy only for serving her of life and for serving the life with freedom. All the nights, the trees whispered one name, and told to the wind that passed to take care the sleep of one little fairy. And the butterflies which rested at stones together to creek's water, spoke about the tenderness that one girl ever did in its wings, one girl who was alike one fairy... and was about you that all Nature spoke, and I, so ignorant, didn't perceive to be the same who touched in my waters. And I heard - because at this time I also made part of Nature - I was the water as well, and I said: "- But who is this fairy?!", and at night my soul went out from the waters, and it was the only freedom that I had; but I couldn't touch in anything, not even walking some steps, going a bit far away from the creek's water. Then, my eyes followed again the farthest distances of what surround me, and my heart was empty, I didn't feel it as I do now. I thought of really existing here one fairy, who visited the trees and the flowers, and later she left away. And I tried to meet you beyond these hills! And it was the same way all nights, until one moment when my heart filled up with one feeling so wide and pure, that my sadness was only for not being free, 'cause only with the freedom again, I could go out from this water and meet the fairy whom I had already loved. The Nature told me poems about the fairy from whom the trees spoke. I sang together with the birds, odes to the Love, that your presence spread. I still didn't know that was you the Fairy whom I looked for, and who'd give me back my wish of living and would set me free. Your sad tears fell down once at creek, and that waters never had seen sadness in your eyes. And for me to know that it was myself who had made your infelicity, the lake turned at once your tears into pearls, so that they didn't mix to the waters; and I picked them up, and I cried, very much, for having gave you pain. And at night, one bird, friend of mine, which I told many secrets, decided make itself the messenger, and it asked you for my liberation. Your love was my salvation, my freedom, and by the freedom that you gave me, and by the fairy that you were in my dreams, I will give you now the happiness that exist in my eyes. I give you the feeling that I thought lost, and that thru you I found: The Love!
   And so, the simple clothes of Juliette, became them at this moment in a brittle white dress, with side silk skirt, alike a ball dress. One her head one tiara of pearls appeared among her waves of hair. She got a jolt with this transformation, but the young guy gave her one of his hand and told her:
   - All that, this Nature is offering you! The Nature is wise and it is giving back only part of the love and tenderness that you gave it. From this day on, you will be the symbol of this forest. And if you allow, you will be the owner of my heart as well - and he gave her a beautiful ring. It was a marriage ask
   Juliette didn't know what to say, she loved him deep inside, her great desire was to care of him, and don't allow, never more, him to feel sadness.
   And at this moment, all her family appeared among the wood trees. They were looking for Juliette, and when they saw her together with that young man, all of them at once, got down on their knees and bolded him.
   Juliette didn't understand that act, but before she questioned something, her father told:
   - God save the King and his son, the Prince!
   - Are you a Prince?!! - asked her, admired.
   - Yes, my darling, and I ask all of you to follow me until my Kingdom, which stays here, at this same forest, and there your family will live comfortably, bringing besides the treasure of love and simplicity, the treasure that your love sowed through the way that you walked on.
   And in that creek appeared a thousand of pearls, of a wide size.
   - Each one of your smiles became themselves into these wide pearls inside of the creek.
   The Juliette's family was impressed for all that: Juliette looked like a Queen dressed so beautifully, and now, using those pearls.
   Juliette looked at the young prince and gave him her hand.
   - Yes, I agree in being your eternal match to your days. By you I discovered one love BEYOND SECRETS WHISPERED BY THE WIND. By you I cried by the first time in front of the creek, where I only had smile, and I saw with that the loneliness of my own soul. I need you, of the same way of this water and this sky. I found the love in the freedom, I found the love in you.
   And in this moment, one group of birds and butterflies, together with one orchestra from the waters and wind followed that so perfect couple until the castle of the Kingdom. The family of Juliette came along them, and what happened afterwards was the most beautiful party ever seen in all times before, when the King got joyful by the return of his son, who he believed lost; and he celebrated the most perfect marriage which was announced in all places. The bride was a blessed one, and from the moment she went to the Kingdom on, everything that existed there became blessed too.
From the book: Tales of Love

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