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Peter Petski (f. 1986)
   People should be able to fight for their own freedom their own life, therefore the world have not the space for people only depending on others, they are slacking on our freedom and our wealth. We are too many and that is the reason that you must have permission to have children. We will reinvent new ideas in the using of robots with A.I. But do not worry we have the permissions and every safety equipment that is needed to control the society as it is. The world econo...

The remains of the document of changes made in 2006.

December the 20th 2010
   I ran down the dark and shaded alley, hearing the soon accustomed sound of the death knell. I was born here in this never raining part of England, (only in some parts of the country it rained, no one were sure if it was pollution or somebody, maybe robots, that stopped the rain) but the last 2 months has felt like being a refuge. Some nights I wake up sweating, and I can still see the pictures of my parents abandoning me, though it was soon 3 years ago. Last year the registration chip had been approved in the most part of the world, and there where almost nobody without it. Everybody you saw on the streets had problems, or at least that was the talk-about I heard, when sneaking below the pubs (there were not many left). The communication you had on pc's still worked, but fewer people still believed in the pc systems, and you had to be a programmer to be sure that you didn't have any viruses or hackers, because that the anti virus or firewalls were more than usually not enough. "If I could just get to the end of the alley, without anybody seeing me" I thought. "Yes" I made it down to the dirty little window, at the end of the alley, and hurried climbing down through the window, making sure nobody would follow me. It was rotten and quite done for basement but I felt at home, this was my own little flat. Finally I could sit down and relax. It had been a hard trip, but now I would be safe for the first part of the winter. I turned on the old fuzzy TV...

... "These last weeks raids and killings in Northampton has today taken a step closer towards a resolution. We now have a description of the perpetrator". "He is: about 5,5 foot tall with brown eyes, brown hair and is believed to a mentally disturbed orphan child".

"SHIT" ... "Mentally disturbed my ass" I took one of the bricks that had fallen from the ceiling and throwed it at the TV. Suddenly it broke into fire. "Goddamn" I ran out the back alley to find the almost rotten bucket. When I found it I saw a hole in the bottom. I did not have a choice but taking the bowl with my last water, and throw it at the fire. Just the moment I did, I stopped, my senses were more awake then ever because now I could hear voices. And like in a reflex moment I jumped through a dark hole in the wall and started to climb up the g3 pylon that was standing just beside the house. I could now hear that it was "dark helmets" calling for me like I was some small child that had runned away from home, dark helmets were some kind of soldiers, but since you could trust nobody, you could not be sure who they were, I would have to jump from rooftop to rooftop, far into the supervised part of the city, before I would have shaked of the dark helmets chasing me. After a whole night running away, I lay down to sleep on the warm ventilation shaft, in an area I hoped was safe.

At nune I woke, and felt the dusty air against my skin made me freeze, and I realised that the only two things I had in my pockets (the only two things I had left besides my clothes) was the tx sincarde (a very complex pocket pc but the batteries were missing), and a lock jack kit for lock picking. I could feel my stomach hurt and it didn't surprise me I haven't ate in two days. I look out from the roof scanning the area, a rough job since the factory smoke had layed on this area as a carpet. If there were no cameras in this zone stealing would be easy. From the left side of the house an apple transporter drove up. I throwed myself up on it and started eating. The driver didn't seem to notice and when I was full I fell asleep again. Wiii... The car used its brake at max and I was lucky that I was awake just a minute before it fell on the side. I jumped and landed on the left sidewalk knowing that the cameras would now see me and soon there would be dark helmets everywhere. The houses around here more looked like prisons from an earlier century but without prisoners. From the back alley I could hear a sound that gave me flesh creep, it sounded like my big sister screaming for help. Could it be her? That she had been living like me was almost impossible because she was captured when I was very small. I had to find out about her...

I ran into the very poor lightened ally not realising that this city was so very different from my own that I should take more care. The sewers in the left side of the alley had steam flying up making the area smell of nuclear waste. I could see my big sister it almost made me cry of happiness and I ran towards her with arms vide open ready to give her a hug. When I was almost beside her I saw like a flash and suddenly she was gone. First now I could hear that there were dark helmets coming into the alley. I was trapped...

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