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Peter Petski (f. 1986)

stupid tv commercials, appealing to our trust.
makeing us so brainless, were paying all it costs.
im started feeling tired, with this community.
and i can feel it growing, inside the heart of me.

am I the only looking, or were you not born with eyes
won't you help me stop it, or cant you see the lies
it makes me mad, that we live like this...

small kids in danger, they live with no food.
buisness men in big suits, wont even change their
we live in a heaven, if that we can realize.
how to love each others, and help in the life.

am I the only looking, or were you not born with eyes
won't you help me stop it, or cant you see the lies
it makes me mad, that we live like this...

lies become a living, don't know what is true.
people aren´t giving, they're taking all from you.
we are buying much, hoping it makes happy.
it ends up owning us, making us feel crappy.

am I the only looking, or were you not born with eyes
won't you help me stop it, or cant you see the lies
it makes me mad, that we live like this...

love is just a feeling, that people think they know.
love is not sneaking, to find your girl in a show.
love is wanting the best, for the one that you disire.
nomather if that, she will burn your heart on fire.

am I the only looking, or were you not born with eyes
won't you help me stop it, or cant you see the lies
it makes me mad, that we live like this...

foolish fashion creatings, and youthful values...
about if you feel good, you get nothing out of it.
we've seen to much advertising,and all they use is
love is the key in life yeah, there is no other drug
to fix.

am I the only looking, or were you not born with eyes
won't you help me stop it, or cant you see the lies
it makes me mad, that we live like this...

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Teksten er publiceret 26/04-2004 16:12 af Peter Petski (Petzki) og er kategoriseret under Digte.
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