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Peter Petski (f. 1986)

Dust and snow my end is near, you cover me but cant cut me clear.
Bling bling in window and now in hand, the truth is fading as our brand.
I still remember the time of fear, when our legend glory had us besmear.
Icy wind my only friend, the other two had me apprehend.

"The sickness breathing, my body tremple, as I offer this to you my temple.
I have enough I do not need, but my urge to get do only exceed.
I pray for you to set me free", but answers never shown from thee.

In darkest alleys I feel delighted, I have a suppose and am quick sighted.
My past is mad and on my shoulder, many people have hate that smoulders.
Morning sun you show my lies, I remember again the sound, the cries.
The life is now and I am running, someday I stop and itll be stunning.
Feeling all that I have missed, running from all the people ive pissed.
My sight is vanishing but through the mist, I get a last glimpse myself a true deafeatist.

My last thought before I died, was to tell all those who tried
Who fought who lied who daily suffered, that though its hard this is what were offered:

[A life of our own control, a body a mind and best a soul.
And as we must go through our struggle, we must remember not to juggle.
Find your happiness and count the small joys, feel the freedom you choose your toys.
You only get this time this trip, so take your time before the coffin ship]

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Teksten er publiceret 04/12-2004 17:07 af Peter Petski (Petzki) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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