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Anne Russel (f. 1980)
The wind blows so hard. You protect me against another blow. I smile and touch your hand which can save me from anything. But I don’t fear wind. I like feeling it in my face, it is just a part of this moment. How can’t I love every and any part of this night? Cheek to cheek we watch the night below us. All the street’s lights, the distant bay... the dark sky full of little stars whose shine is so dull due the artificial lights in the earth.
   - Poor stars...
   And you say to me:
   - No my dear... they have you to look at...
   We are at the building’s top…a summit from the highest building... You point out to me the distant places, some which you like the most... where you promise to lead me very soon. It is an alley near the coast where the sea will be just a gift... The wind goes on blowing strong and delicious. You embrace me, and in your arms I could stay until the end of time... I wouldn’t need anything else, but I don’t tell you that.
   Suddenly I think to myself: Will you give me this love whole and clear all the way? This wind becomes colder and colder... My eyes go on looking at the lights below and I get sad... I’d rather be looking at light above us... that stars from sky whose light nothing can turn off.
   But light from stars is shy... and I get shy too.
   You notice my blue behavior and you question me why... and I say I’m afraid of eternity.
   - Eternity? - you say
   - Would you love me forever? Even when the light of our love is obscured by the artificial light from the life?
   The wind blew stronger and mixed at your silence. My face got cold without your face and you stayed in front of me, holding my hand.
   At top from the highest building you seemed to be flying above one big city with all its lights on.
   - Do you think I won’t love you enough?
   - I don’t know... do you see? Look at stars, they don’t shine as they should, and it is not their fault. The fault is of this city, which stole their
   light... I love you from here till the eternity... but is it enough? I mean, is it enough against the trifles of this life?
   - Do you fear things that not even have happened? Why? If we are together?
   - Together today, now... but what to do if the loneliness came back any time? I couldn’t deal with it anymore... I have been alone all my life long, and I know I want this moment with you forever and ever... Could I go on living after knowing the only love I’ve been looking for, and suddenly lose it, and then to live into a sureness that I’d be lonely forever? Because you are the only one, if it is gone, I won’t have anything else... My loneliness will be greater and no hope... anymore while I am living.
   You got so strange, but there was bitterness in your voice when you said:
   - I have to admit... you were not the only one in my life... and maybe I’ve never had felt loneliness like yours. But is it my fault? Will you judge me since now? No one knows the future my dear, no one knows...You can’t be afraid for trying... cause right now is exactly this what we both want... I love you as I’ve never before... if only I could protect you, if my hands could hold you like now, forever, but the things don’t
   work like that my dear. The world has its rules, nothing is eternal below this sky...
   I heard all your words, my heart got so small. Almost breaking, tearing... the wind... I didn’t even feel it anymore.
   - Really... you are right. You won’t be by my side eternally. I can’t think my loneliness is over... I can’t....
   I turned my face without looking into your eyes... how could I think my loneliness had ended? No one can be salvation to another one...
   You got still more silent.
   You knew we both were right. The wind blew stronger... we were together, and you held me tight but maybe it would be just in that moment, maybe you embraced me only due the cold wind...
   Perhaps the wind made this artificial feeling... all that I had was just one second without loneliness, nothing else, just WHILE THE WIND BLEW SO HARD.

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Teksten er publiceret 29/05-2002 00:20 af Anne Russel (ARussel) og er kategoriseret under Noveller.
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