Too Much Love Will Kill You

20 år siden 4 kommentarer Noveller

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4Too Much Love Will Kill You
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Kenneth Dürrholm (f. 1984)
Never has a girl looked so beautiful in the long history of mankind. No, never in the vast history of this planet we chose to call Earth has a girl looked so amazingly beautiful. No, never in the entire history of this universe and whatever there was before that and whatever will come, has a girl looked so insanely beautiful.
   She is too perfect to be a dream, too beautiful to be seen and too magnificent to hope for - and now she is walking my way.

I know exactly what to do. I have been through this meeting millions and millions of times in my mind. I have perfected every sentence to the syllable. I have written entire conversation possibilities with her down on paper and memorized it all. Nothing can fail. I have planned it all to perfection.
   And perfection is what she deserves.
   When she walks, everything slows down like in a movie, and people's voices sound like they are talking under water. Her hair waves like golden rolling hills in a field. Her almond shaped eyes smile like they have never seen pain or doubt. Her lips. Her lips look so soft and hide a gorgeous smile that will make me shiver. When she talks I tremble, and when she laughs I fall apart.
   I am ready to tell her my true feelings.
   I have planned it all.
   My friends say that I am crazy. That she will never fall for a guy like me, but I will prove them wrong. I am her friend. I know what she likes. I have written long poems about her, and every love song I hear is about her. She exists in my every thought, and everything I do is to impress her, to get just a split second of her attention. She is my inspiration for everything, and it is time to tell her.
   I see her.
   I wave at her and smile.
   She sees me, smiles and comes toward me.
   My knees start to shake and my hands get sweaty. My throat contracts, and I cannot swallow. My heart feels like it is going to burst and I cannot breathe. She comes closer, floating, like walking is beneath her as if it is just something we mortals do. Then she stops in front of me and says hi. She is so close. So close I can smell her perfume. The blissful feeling of her nearness embraces me.
   I cannot believe what I am going to do, but I am ready.

We begin to talk, and all the words I have planned to say will not come out of my mouth. I Just say things to make her smile, things to make her laugh, things to survive. Then I realize that I will never be more than a friend to her. Handsome strong men will take her love and break her heart, and I will be there to comfort her. I will never have that special place in her heart that she has in mine. I will always be the 'nice guy' and as you know: they finish last.
   When she walks away and leaves me alone, I tell myself to calm down, that there will be other girls. That someone will realize how special I am.
   But deep down inside I know that all the girls I will ever meet will be like her: beautiful, amazing and too good for me. I will fall in love with them, and they will love my interest in them. I know I will always be their friend, but never their lover.
   This is my sad fate.

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Teksten er publiceret 12/01-2005 09:14 af Kenneth Dürrholm (Kenneth) og er kategoriseret under Noveller.
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