What Xmas is for?

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Patricky Field (f. 1975)
My Xmas regards could be done under a loud and joyful "HO! HO! HO!"... But I don't believe in Santa Claus, anymore, there's a large time ago... The good and gentle old man, of a white beard and a generous heart, doesn't dare giving laughter anymore, waving his big and fat paunch, while he was making us dream of a beautiful Xmas night at same time. Would it be us, who got deaf, or would it be him, who, suddenly, got speechless?

What have I received from Santa Claus? What did he bring to me at Xmas night? Gifts, packages, surprises and boxes wrapped in colored papers and laces? Do you know what about I had from him? Nothing related to what you're wondering, at all. He walked up to my ears, at Xmas night, and used to whisper me the wonders and beauties of this world; the colors of the summer in my Brazil, the bright of the winter in other wonderlands. He used to sing by me the sweetest Carols, and that was enough to unify, to complete my family even more, in harmony with the world, in a unique voice, in only one feeling of love and rebirth.

Santa used to bring the simplicity of Jesus sleeping on the sacred mat, the joy at finishing a year else with hope in a future, only with the expectation of a future; sure enough that one new year was to come, ready to give us the chance to fix some mistakes and to make new ones, 'cause that's the way life is made of.

Santa used to bring me the Love for the fellow next to me, even if that "close" fellow was someone on the other side of the continent, of the planet. Santa had crossed over the Globe, from frozen lands down to my house, just to bring me his magnificent link between me and the world, in one night which should have become itself in 365 nights else. But, instead of extending itself, that only night ended up getting lost among the other 364 ones. And, when, at what time, day or year have happened that? Where was hidden my mistake? Was it my fault? I wonder if it was when I forgot giving a helping hand to that child who asked me a piece of bread... Or, maybe can it be that when I didn't notice how wonderful is to belong to a family and did treat my parents, my brothers and sisters, with an incredible intolerance, disrespect, and not even got sorry or asked their forgiveness? No, I think that was when I placed the material gifts above my on feelings and ignored people who I could have helped out or, at least, could have not damaged along their ways... but now it's too late to get back... Will it be?

Do we do deserve Santa Claus to visit us at Xmas night? Could you write down your wishes in a letter to him, telling what a good girl or boy you have been along this year that's ending?
What do you expect him to bring to you? Gifts, delights, tenderness?

Don't you think of giving instead of asking anything in this Xmas? Just sharing, even your own feelings which are a long locked inside you; wouldn't that be better? Who knows, it would be reborn the Spirit of Love, of togetherness, which feeds the good old man and which would tie us the whole 364 days of the year.

That's it! It's that what you shall write down in your asking list this Xmas. One change within your heart, which is going to make you watch the whole world as your own home, where everybody collaborates to keep it, cause everyone coexists in same space and everyone wants to see the own house prospering, in peace, in an agreeable atmosphere of peace, where there's always a filled table for everyone who lives there, and not only for who is going to find himself under the rights of some kind of privilege. We're all different from each other, we are not actually alike, indeed. And it's that what moves the world forwards and what builds here things that is not to be built there, creating an alive circle of life. But on the other hand, we are all human beings and a common sense guides us, it makes us bleed when we are told with harsh words, that sense makes us be happy when we are together someone who loves us, truly. It makes us feel hungry when we are not fed, it makes us scare the death, makes us scare the life...
Don't you think how alike we are when we actually feel, bleed, smile?

Let the Spirit of Christmas come inside you, and allow the star, whose guiding light conduced the Three Kings toward the truth, to shine also upon your way toward the meeting with your fellow, toward the world outside, to the rebirth of the Faith and of the Love, in one night which shall spread light and peace for all of us, for all the people.

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Teksten er publiceret 01/11-2002 20:20 af Patricky Field (Pat) og er kategoriseret under Essays.
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