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Herdis Jensen (f. 1991)
I had forgotten the night and I had forgotten the stars, blinded by love I had forgotten my surroundings. When I looked around all I saw before me were your eyes and your smile.
   I had forgotten the day and I had forgotten the sun, blinded by love I was burned by the sun's jalousie.
   I didn't notice anything, because in my heart there were you and like a drug you were pumped in my soul. Your magic dragged me into a dreams' world where so many dreamers have wandered before, got lost and couldn't be found.
   There we were sitting on the edge watching dragons kissing the sun good bye and greeting the moon for a new night.
   You spoke to me; you spoke words I had forgotten existed. And your words turned into a song, a song singed to the melody of waves and wind.
   Your voice filled my ears and made me deaf.
   I forgot the birds' song and the cities call. And I listened, I listened, I listened. I had to listen so I wouldn't miss a single word.
   Your voice was the elements. Water softly surrounded me, and fire glowed, melted even my coldest stones. Something grew inside me and the wind caressed my soul and played with my hair.
   As the dragons kissed the moon good bye and greeted the sun for a new day we dived under the surface. Spellbound as I was you were like my siren, you held my hands in yours and we danced through fields of sea grass. The sun played with the waves, the nine daughters, high above us and showed us a golden path which we danced along. We danced and the sea grass tickled my feet.
   I laughed bubbles and you were catching every single one of them.
   I forgot how to breathe, I forgot how to speak.
   And you let go of my hands and watched me dancing further and further, and the fields turned to forests which swallowed the sunlight.
   I woke up and found myself alone. In darkness I felt the ocean inside overflow and press out through my eyes and silently my eyes turned into quiet waterfalls.
   I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. And my voice had run away in suicide wishes.
   I had wakened up; your voice was like an echo in my mind, in my hollow heart.
   Rays of sunshine sneaked in to my room and chased away the dark. I went outside and the wind dried my tears away, but when I found you standing there with a worried smile, you could still see how my heart had been bleeding and the blood had run to my eyes. And as in a mirror you could see yourself.
   You took me in your arms and asked me what was wrong? Running your fingers through my hair.
   I told you about dragons and songs, about sea grass and bubbles and golden paths, I told you about forgetting.
   And I told you about being alone, I told you about darkness and about a feeling of losing.
   And you spoke to me. You were my poet composing pictures for me. Your voice gave them live and made me hear again. Your pictures opened my eyes and blindness turned to sight.
   I remembered the day and I remembered the sun. I remembered the night and I remembered the stars. My surroundings came alive and I recognized them and you were still there, you kept on composing until I saw it all, until I heard it all.
   As I stood there, cured by your voice, cured by your love, I saw how you were smiling to me, and we lived the day together, we remembered the sun together.
   We watched the stars together and remembered the night together. We breathed in the darkness and its smells. We heard the waves and the wind and you whispered your poetry to me.
   We fell away in the night as we saw, as we listened, as we breathed, as we remembered.
   We fell away in the night as we loved.

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Teksten er publiceret 16/05-2009 09:46 af Herdis Jensen (Fuintari) og er kategoriseret under Noveller.
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