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Herdis Jensen (f. 1991)
Something began to grow that day, something inside me which was a stranger to me.
   It was like thousands of snowflakes falling soft in my heart, but they weren't cold, they were just soft and a bit warm, not burning, just... exactly like they were meant to be. And sometimes, they turned into a snowstorm, but not one of those terrible ones, more like a snowstorm you sit watching from your window.
   It was like dark red, silky roses with their soft petals crowned with dew drops. Growing, growing, GROWING! inside me. And sometimes they grew into a huge, beautiful garden. A wild beauty like nature itself.
   But the thorns never hurt me.

And each night I sat outside under the sky watching the stars, watching the moon, watching the clouds. I was sitting there with my snowflakes, with my roses, and no one could ever harm me.
   And I spoke to the stars and I spoke to the moon, I even spoke to the ever moving clouds, begged them not to kill my garden, not to stop my storm.
   And they told me back to look into your eyes, to kiss your lips – and so I did.
   In your eyes I found my snowstorm, on your lips I found my growing garden. I now knew that you were their rain.

And I spoke to the stars and I spoke to the moon, I even spoke to the ever moving clouds. I told them about the roses' silky skin and I told them about the snowflakes' lovely glow.
   I danced and danced till the sun swallowed the darkness, and told me to find you again. I searched for you in every body, and in every sweet breeze, but your soul was nowhere to find.
   I searched in darkness and I searched in light, I searched in fire and water, in earth and wind, but you were nowhere to find.
   And I spoke to the stars and I spoke to the moon, I even spoke to the ever moving clouds, but they just cried for me.
   I asked them why their tears were falling.
   First, the clouds said that it was for my roses.
   Then the moon said that it was for my falling snow.
   As the last, the stars said, that it was for the bleeding heart that would soon beat in me.
   And I understood.

My snowflakes became ice that cut in my heart like pieces of a broken mirror, my broken dream.
   My roses grew bigger thorns that ripped my soul into small, burning pieces of glass. It was like eagles flying down to catch their chosen animal with their sharp claws.

Something new began to grow in me that night, something that was a stranger to me. It grew in me like a cancer cell, a strong and bloody cancer cell. It floated out in me like an acid that burned me, cut me. And it cut me up, first my wrist then my throat and then my chest with my bleeding heart.
   A silence came to me, a silence so deep it can't be described with words. A darkness so dark it can't be seen with eyes. This silence can only be felt; this darkness can only be smelled.
   This cancer were still growing in me and its acid floated out in every corner of my soul like a merciless river drowning everything that comes near to it.

They found me under the stars, under the moon, under the ever moving clouds, and they called me Moon Child, Daughter of the Night; ‘because, no one really knew where I came from. But I knew. I was born among roses red as your heart, I was born under the falling snow.

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