2Kunstigt liv
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Noveller for børn/unge
16 år siden
0The Road Ahead
It seemed endless. Everywhere I looked, the bare land just stared... [...]
Noveller for børn/unge
16 år siden
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2Den sorte dråbe
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Noveller for børn/unge
17 år siden

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Anna Engesgaard (f. 1991)
It seemed endless. Everywhere I looked, the bare land just stared at me. Its vicious eyes followed me - like a starving lion, just waiting for the wounded gazelle to give in. But I wouldn't give in, I couldn't! Not after all I've been through. I took a deep breath and went on. The clotted blood on my forehead was beginning to annoy me, I tried to scratch it off, but it just wouldn't go without water. I looked at the bottle in hand "Almost empty" whispered a venomous voice inside my head, sooner or later I was going to die out here, but the question was - When?
   My left arm felt paralyzed, and probably broken two places. I stripped of my shirt and ripped it into pieces, and made an alternative bandage for my arm. I once again looked out at the never ending landscape and a desperate sigh left my dry lips.

I ran, ran for my life. There was no turning back, this time it was real. I could hear my lonely footsteps in the dark alley, voices covered my head and made me believe that I wasn't alone. I turned right at the next corner and slowed down. I looked around, but there were nothing but the continual darkness that slowly crept beneath my veins and made my body cold. I was so tired, I hadn't slept for days because of all the planning. The night seemed eternal, and I couldn't concentrate. I had done this my whole life, being a thief, was the only thing I knew. My elegant ability to disappear in the shadows had made me famous in the criminal world. This job, The Williams had giving me, first seemed impossible and many had failed, but tonight I had written history.
   I must have slept for a few seconds, because when I opened my eyes I was surrounded. Three men stood around me, and they didn't looked like they wanted to talk. I quickly recognized one of them, Keith. We had met before, actually, a few times before. But he had never succeeded catching me. They came closer, all armed with clubs and ready to break every bone in my sore body. "Give me the Necklace!" Keith nearly whispered. "Come and get it!" I answered and gave him a delightful smile. The first gorilla ran towards me, I ducked my head, and avoided a fractured skull, I swept him of his feet and took his club and placed a quick stroke on his temple so he passed out. The other one were more defensive and waited for my move. I swung my club at him, but he was faster than I expected, he made a turn, and hit me left arm so hard, that we all heard the crack it made. I kneeled and closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain streaming out of my arm. Keith kneeled beside me, and laughed. "This Time Thomas, you're not going to get away!"

The two black Mercedes stopped, in the middle of god knows were, and the men at the front seats stepped out. I looked out the tinted window - they were talking fast and one of them was close to panicking. Keith, who seemed to be in control, slapped him right on the cheek and he became quiet. They opened the trunk, and pushed me down at the ground, red warm soil filled my already dry mouth, as my head hit the land. I felt the warm blood running down my forehead. One of the men told me to get up, but that was easier said than done - my hands were tied at my back, so after a few attempts I finally got up. I blinked my eye as the sun blinded me. "So, you still refuse to tell us were the Necklace is?" Keith asked me. I looked at him and nodded, my throat was too dry to speak. He then, out of nowhere, pulled a gun out of his jacket. He placed at my head, and slowly asked again. I looked at him, and I saw no mercy in his eyes. Just as Keith was about to pull the trigger, the other man dragged Keith away from me. "Let him go, he will never survive in this heat anyway?" He looked at me one last time before they drove away.

The red landscape just kept going, there was no houses, no people, just red sand and dry grass. There was no more water in the bottle, no more blood in my brain and no more air in my lungs.
   I fell to the ground, and felt my body give up.. Every muscle and bone in my cadaver, where either broken or extremely close to a meltdown. I closed my eyes and felt the sweet darkness surrender me. My last job was done.

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Teksten er publiceret 16/08-2008 15:26 af Anna Engesgaard (AnnaSophia) og er kategoriseret under Noveller for børn/unge.
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