I have a theory, and it's about life.
There's a lot of pensive brains, right now, in the search of the truth; much more there're right now, looking for the nonsense of life, there're many ones staring at their own navels.
I've wondered a bit about life, my life, my parent's lives, my contemporaneous lives, my unknowns lives at any part of the world and time. I've traveled a bit, I've being quiet a bit, I've watched, I've showed a bit and expected, of course, a lot yet.
I've heard, I've been talking, I've expressed, I've tasted; I've been allowing myself to many things during the years, I've forbidden my own for a couple of stuffs, as well.
I've loved, I've been feeling small; I've hated, I've tried not to cry where tears were not the better policy.
I've laughed more than jokes could be funny, it's great to give laughter. I've born, there was a child's spirit which I've been within. I've grown, I've fought a lot, almost never to win. I've criticized, I've taken some hits on the head, I've learned, I've forgotten, I've replaced knowledge.
I've changed body&mind, I've walked forward, I've gotten down; there were dead-end roads that just led me to my bed, for complaining bad times. I've failed, I've been source for some little wars. I've discussed, I've been understood sometimes only in a song.
I've been poetical, I've shouted aloud, I've misunderstood almost the whole thing from the start. I've rolled on the grass, I've caught some air in my lungs; there're dark clouds in the sky when it was so completely blue.
I've been wild, I've tried to tame, too much I've written, not enough to expose the way I feel, because every moment it changes.
But that's a minute when I stare at the paper and propose one theory:
If there's any situation you've been felt similar to those ones above, we've been the same for a little short.
Then, all of us were born to be alike, at least for a blink; there's always a someone else inside all of us.
There's such an unknown one in us at same degree we are unknown to each other in whole planet.
Each drop of water is the same, spread in the whole world, expecting to be together, in a wide sea. No matter glacial, sweet, salt or polluted, those water drops are part of same whole, raining to be together. Each one bringing its own to be whole.
I've been trying to say things that's more divided and "unhandleable" than one drop of water. Although, if instead of crossing these separated minds, my words were about to reach out the sea of spirit's drip, I'd prove my theory; the more I know things, the more things will remain to be known, and that's a fact. But, we all together, may hold knowledge enough to Build what we try hard to reach out by our own, everyday.
We need to be alike, to understand the other 'cause we need to be different from each other, to be whole. And, as each one of us know a little slice of life, with a little respect and conscience, that WHOLE is going to be us and we'll be in peace alike one.