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Lillian Desillier (f. 1959)

Forgive me my friend - I am growing quite old
I believe this is truthful and rightfully told
Bittersweet are my memories - yet fresh and bright
That I found you is a wonder - believe it I might
It was a moment in time - filled with pure physical pleasure
Of a sort rarely found - impossible to measure

Yet you managed to paint another permanent reflection
Of yourself - so profound - a friend filled with affection
You gave me kindness and care - showed me compassion
I must have been starved - I gobbled it up in questionable fashion
When I first laid eyes on you - If I remember this right
You were with friends - On this warm autumn night

Into this bar my friend and I eagerly entered
I felt miserable - completely off centered
I was licking my wounds - running away
I never imagined my body would stray
I caught your eyes across the room
In spite of the dark and smoky gloom

I desired you from that moment - shamefully bad
I'm telling the truth out loud - but it makes me feel sad
What I didn't know then - thank God I know today
I was searching for something - to keep the monsters at bay
The feeling of loneliness returning again - the solitary nights
Rapidly approaching - it had reached new heights

There was no way around it - I had failed again
I had conquered and lost - I was filled with deep pain
You sat at a table - so handsome and dark
I felt mesmerized - drawn to you like a big white shark
I thought to myself - "Here is the one"
Who will save me from me and get it all done

By your seat stood a jukebox close to the wall
I asked you to play - you stood up so tall
Together a song we chose with pure pleasure
It was a song - not special - yet it became a nice treasure
The tune that we picked - a sweet old song
"New York New York" - it never felt wrong

Frank Sinatra - Toni Bennett - I couldn't tell
But hearing it now - on memories I dwell
It has touched and healed that empty soul of mine
Many times since that night with a head full of wine
It reminds me of you and a time long gone past
It reminds me of me - a woman I so simply overboard cast

The years has gone by - frightfully swift
When I think of that time - my mind tend to drift
We walked through the streets of a city still asleep
I wanted this night forever to keep
There was something about you - You figured me out quickly
I behaved liked a tramp - I think of that rather sickly

I like to believe that we set the night on fire
It was a beginning - complex - guided by pure desire
We were never to be - it was madness and games
I wanted it - but all I knew was to put out the flames
My life was a mess - you sensed my confusion
For a while I lived with a passionate delusion

Today I see that woman as a totally stranger
So needy - so destructive - I kept facing the danger
That woman is gone - she finally found her way
At last - she has managed to keep the monsters at bay
I will always remember - I am deeply in debt
I thank God for placing you in my life when we met

My life turned out different - but that is okay
I have no regrets - no remorse - I treasure each day

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Teksten er publiceret 06/08-2003 18:34 af Lillian Desillier (jespersmor) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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