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Lillian Desillier (f. 1959)

I have these thoughts
Weird and wonderful thoughts
Call them dreams if you wish
Mostly about travels to places in this world

Places where I can play and
Find the path to myself
Without influences from my past
Without expectations from others!

The place that fills my mind most often
Is unquestionably solitary - yet not lonesome
It is abundant with knowledge
Awaiting my discovery alone

It is a poor and simple place
Yet rich in flora and fauna
Perhaps some people live there
Strangers to me - yet there is identification

People that know and are familiar
With the road I have chosen to travel
They are tender and patient with me
They have walked in my shoes

No expectation or requirement is asked
Of the future - Of me
No past resentment is left unresolved
I forgive - And I am forgiven

In this place I become gentle and kind
I feel peaceful and passionate
Loving and kind
Towards myself - and my fellows
Here I can truly live and be myself
In the moment - In the day
I can stay as long as I desire
Feeling at home, I can revisit any time

For each day that passes
Repeatedly I am in that marvelous place
It used to be a fantasy - a dream
But now it has become real

I never again have to travel alone
I always find company and I do not get lost
God has chosen to be my guide
And miraculously I allow him

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Teksten er publiceret 01/04-2005 22:45 af Lillian Desillier (jespersmor) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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