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Lillian Desillier (f. 1959)

Hurriedly Romeo arrived at my place
With intent of the demons to offer a chase
He arrived in a tux and an arm full of flowers
And a promise to free my hot electrical powers

His horse and buggy was abandoned in the drive
Waiting patiently for the master to once again arrive
As he walked in the door - I swear I smelled the snow
But upon later recollection I recognize the woe

He failed to even knock - He just barged in the door
And rudely he left his jacket and cummerbund on the floor
He was charming but I thought he was somewhat hurried
This felt different and quickly I got worried

He stripped and asked me what I mostly desired
I guess I answered according to what subsequently transpired
I remember thinking that he asked what I wanted
I realize I lost myself - once more became daunted

It didn't take long for him to fix my electrical issue
I wanted him to leave - and I cried into my tissue
But he stuck around - the horse impatiently stomping
As Romeo sat at my table on grapes casually chomping

In the morning I kicked Romeo out feeling smothered and cold
I recognized a pattern as I handed him his gold
I was insane with the excitement - I jumped in and I lost
I followed my instincts and I feel the exhaust

I clearly see that to give myself so wide open and willing
Has nothing to do with what I want - and it's chilling
When I receive my desires they become empty and void
I find myself in that dark and scary place I never really enjoyed

It's a gift to find passion - and to treat it with respect
But if you are anything like me - it soon becomes wrecked
I pray to God that I can manage to keep my will with his aligned
And let the process happen - and pay no attention to my mind

I want to find myself - become excited about my life
I want to live, feel and laugh - to make love without strife
Friendship and closeness Romeo never will deliver
What he gave me was so shallow although it made me quiver

He left me so empty - so angry and sad
I wanted more - but he departed and I was glad
He had a purpose and the horse couldn't wait for the tea
As he drove off in the buggy I fell to my knee

"God make this much better - let me not destroy what's in my sight
If I contain my desires and my knuckles are white
Will you teach me to receive - to be patient and kind"
If I see Romeo again I will surely loose my mind

When our natural instincts hit us full force - we are left vulnerable and needy, having been "dead" for so long brought my feelings for Joe to another dimension of desire, longing and a deep ache that I had hard time containing - writing out my "lust" and talking about it openly and shamelessly has helped me tremendously. "Romeo" is my physically desire, my "lust" for Joe - and I brought "Romeo" to a manageable level by confronting "him" - I didn't have to act out for once - Hallelujah

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Teksten er publiceret 09/05-2005 00:12 af Lillian Desillier (jespersmor) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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