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Lillian Desillier (f. 1959)

Into my life she arrived as a blessing
I felt drawn - "God's work" I am guessing
I reached out - in spite of my fear and blind panic
She answered my plea - she became my life's mechanic

Younger she looks than her definite age
Her spirit is childish - she's on the right page
Surrendered she did thirteen long years ago
And that is how old she is - for all that I know

In a cabin she lives filled with treasures and wood
To be in her dwelling makes me feel warm and good
But she is losing her place before not very long
I wish I could help her and make her feel strong

A new chapter in the book of the life that she chose
Being written by God as she tenderly knows
She has found a unique way to manage her life
She says it's not always straight as a knife

I can't say how it works - but I've seen it come true
When the time feels right - she'll know what to do
I learned from my "Gypsy" that I have to sit tight
"Let go and let God" she says "wait for the light"

To me she is natural - gentle as a dove
Diverse that she is - so easy to love
I sense a wild woman in her skirts - out of sight
Yet close to the surface - if faced with a fight

Profound is her knowledge of suffering and pain
She drank for so long and kept squeezing the chain
She found her way out from a hole deep and dark
She has blossomed and grown - like a tree in the park

Filled with compassion and love for Bill's original plan
She teaches his program - she's part of his clan
Sometimes she's fearful and looses her track
But she takes a deep breath - finds her way back

Frequent depressions so bravely she tackles
Gloomy and sad held in unyielding shackles
That dark place inside - courageously accepted
As part of her self - but with vigilance intercepted

Silent and hushed she sometimes befall
She's been here before -she hears the close call
Whole and complete she struggles to feel
If only she knew - to me she is real

Patience and tolerance appears to be her traits
Ask her - and she'll tell you she can barely wait
I sense her knowing the road that I travel
She walked in my shoes - beat down the gravel

She is my Gypsy woman and I want what she contains
I'm edgy and selfish - steadfast her serenity remains
My speech is obscured - I can't remember important matter
But she promises me clarity - in God's time I will chatter

Each morning I rise and I call her telephone
She answers promptly - I no longer think I'm alone
She tells me that I help her and give her much strength
For my Gypsy woman and this program - I'll go to any length

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Teksten er publiceret 06/08-2003 18:32 af Lillian Desillier (jespersmor) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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