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Lillian Desillier (f. 1959)

You are my husband - My life supporter
Nineteen years - It seems much shorter
You're my partner - My heart's desire
The only man who can light my fire

I've given you grief - I've given you joy
Twice we've been blessed with a beautiful boy
We have shared so much - We have traveled so far
When God gave me you he found me a star

It hasn't been easy - I'm rather complex
But I've finally found what I need to do next
I've found a solution to my miserable life
Where I lost myself - as you lost a wife

The fellowship I seek for support and direction
In turn suggests spirituality and self inspection
I've surrendered and been given a second chance
I truly feel blessed and think I could dance

I know it's not easy to watch me alter
Be patient and kind - help me up should I falter
Attending meetings heals me inside
I am recovering slowly - my eyes open wide

I'm learning to live a life without drinking
It ate my soul and altered my thinking
I have faith and hope that I will be okay
I've found a way to keep the monsters at bay

Together we can age - Our future is bright
As one we can conquer and move towards the light
I am grateful for your patience and understanding
I know I've been awful and quite demanding

You have suffered so much by the hands of my disease
I've been selfish and cruel - Not easy to please
I ask for forgiveness for the things I've done
I'm determined to change - I will not run

We know one another - We think like the same
When Cupid showed up - He started a flame
I love your scent - I love hearing you laugh
If your laughter died I would be severed in half

Snuggled against you is what I most adore
Although I could do with a little less snore
You give me so much - My needs are constantly met
That's why it's a wonder I have so much debt!!

You seem to know what my heart desire
Before I am aware - You seem never to tire
You married me then for better or worse
I often have wondered if you silently curse

You saved my life - I want you to know
Because of you - I have been able to grow
I didn't escape - or run away - I admitted defeat
Tired and helpless - I was totally beat

In your eyes I saw hope and it gave me assurance
I guess you can say I bought the insurance
I felt in my heart that you were the one for me
After all this time I hope you agree

I love you and want you to know that I care
To loose you is a thought I cannot bear
I'm so grateful you stuck by me in thin as in thick
For the rest of our lives I hope together we'll stick

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Teksten er publiceret 06/08-2003 18:27 af Lillian Desillier (jespersmor) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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