If I were right by your side

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Patricky Field (f. 1975)
There are days when the sun is bright, and the blue is all over the sky. It happens now and then, and the winter's breeze comes to blow all and each heavy thought out of my mind.
There isn't a stain above the snowed ground, and everything around is just peace and silence. I can't remember another moment alike this, I can't describe how huge and peculiar the world is all about, just when you are here, inside of my heart.
I open up a smile toward the sea and it gives me my regards back. Standing here, on the borders of the cliff, I reach out my hands and there's a bunch of birds to pick up my embrace, they're flying for their lives, I'm standing for their return.
What if those moments had just gone away?
I can't lose a minute of this world, that is the same which you are also living your days; your sun is also mine, whose bright is in your eyes in the mornings, and it touches me, gently, like you would do if you were by my side.
And here we are, beneath this same blue sky; how can I look at the emptiness and not remember of your eyes, if there's a reflection of your face from when you've stared at the same blue sky?
And the winter's breeze of mine is the same you've been breathing the whole day; how can I feel it in my skin and not hold the feeling of your being touching me?
And the waves of the sea are commanding the destinies of moon and lives; the entire world is under the spells of the ocean's tides.
I've thrown my desires toward the sea and here, right here inside of my soul, I feel and know that you are the special one who could give me love as any other one is allowed to or is able to do.
And I can't spend away my precious feelings of love unless you are there to receive and keep them. There's nobody else who could get that.
I know that for sure, because each and every part of this world is special for having a little part of your being in them. We share same sun and moon, same ground and sky.
And, though all that, you are not here, by my side...
So, I keep on reaching out my hands toward the blue of the day and say all my love to the birds, to the air, to the sea, and to the winter's breeze which blows away...
Because it was what I would do, I would say my love along my whole life, if you were by my side.
The world is a part of your life, and being in touch with it is like if I were right there, by your side.

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Teksten er publiceret 15/06-2004 23:15 af Patricky Field (Pat) og er kategoriseret under Essays.
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