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Michael Vestergaard (f. 1978)

Fire and Ice
is everywhere
but in the sin
In the sin
there is nothing
but the wrath of God

The flakes are thin
moving fast
out on one of them lies
Life itself
when it hits the waterfall
everything will be hell
Double standards
Both human virtues, a virgin
it is a game all in your brain

This blood wills me to die
I am sick and I cannot rest
This I say as I will and lie
”Blood is red, the Death
the Death is the will of souls”

Black, darkness
blood everywhere
fangs in my throat
This life ends
a new undying awaits
it embraces me in its cold
ironclad touch and I die

This whole night
Beautiful stars
Blood dripping on the white snow
I am outside, bare feet
it’s cold, but so beautiful

Blood, what is it?
a fluid of life, or death
this red liquid, flowing through my veins
throbbing in my wrist
on the floor
After I lie
It continues for a while
then stops

This paper
white and ready
becomes bloody red
when my pen touches it

He rang the bell
and got wet
Something is wrong with this world
this I said a million times

Morning dew
Spring I see you
I miss your warm touch on my face
Accept the race
they mean well
but don’t see
Wolf roars, howls
her breasts are beautiful,
wandering around the circle of fire
nervous walking in burned ashes
falling to the ground

Thoughts of the sick beast
reaches out to disgust you
a near-death sigh embraces you
it is warm, unmentionable
and undeniably sickening

I wake from terrible nightmares
dreams of impending doom

The music will end
when the flute of cosmos stops
they will come
and bring the old chaos
back to us, free us

Satisfy your desire
your lust for life
she fills your unquenchable thirst
with her bleeding innocence

Spikes and chains and bleeding victims
Their bodies drip with sweat
tears run down their faces
they want to escape

The nightmare vision stops
same with the music
a fearful silence
fills the room and tension

Death of an angel
traitor of god
died by the hands
of a priest of Judas

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Teksten er publiceret 25/05-2004 23:19 af Michael Vestergaard (Maialideth) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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