25Skæbnesvangre bevæggrunde
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Lisbeth Lautaro (f. 1965)

Nature all around you, an old ice age ground.
Strange and strong forces to the land is bound.
Stone grey clouds racing the southern sky,
making earthly quarrels nothing but a lie.

Many men indulged in a sight like this,
for a very long time this sight has been a bliss.
Never were leaves so green at a sky so glum,
stabbed with the light of a sinking sun.

You can hear the hoves of an ancient horse,
there were times of joy and times of remorse.
There's an inner feeling of spirits long gone,
you yearn, you wonder and know you belong.

But your way is blocked by modern thinking,
this blind and deaf ship is surely sinking.
No one ever worships or is aware
of the fates and souls and lives which were there.

So have all those lives been lived in vain?
Do we have to start all over again?
Through history it is clearly to see
that we have to live in peace in order to be.

Will mankind ever see the fatal truth?
Will we ever be concerned for our youth?
Will we ever grasp that we have it all?
That we are responsible of rise or fall?

This world is the only one we've ever got.
We can chose to play Devil or chose to play God.
We only have one shot before it's too late,
it's all a choice between love or hate.

If hate survives we will all be doomed,
the experience failed just as they assumed.
If love gets the upperhand the race would be won,
but unfortunately the race most likely is run.

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Teksten er publiceret 24/06-2007 14:42 af Lisbeth Lautaro (lautaro) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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