There's nothing like...

19 år siden 3 kommentarer Digte

25Skæbnesvangre bevæggrunde
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Lisbeth Lautaro (f. 1965)

There's nothing like
The bared branches
Of black and naked trees
Bursting with new life in Spring
As the sprouts well out, leaves to be.

There's nothing like
The bounty bouqet
Of Summers' boundless growth
A blow of natures' power
The sea and land, worship them both.

There's nothing
The rainfilled blowing
Of Autumns' chilly storm
Ripping dead leaves from the trees
Defenceless they're left, cold and torn.

There's nothing like
The sudden breakthrough
Of the suns' healing light
Amidst heavy winter-clouds
Filled with snow, awaiting and white.

And as the seasons change around us
We strive through life
As whirling leaves
And to the oceans'saddening heave
We drift towards eternal peace.

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Teksten er publiceret 16/11-2005 22:54 af Lisbeth Lautaro (lautaro) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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