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Lisbeth Lautaro (f. 1965)

Born out of wish, a wanted child
Thrown into the world, free and wild
But chains were put around the heart
"Sorry, my child, you failed your start."

The wind blew heavy, tossed and turned
To truth and justice the poor heart yearned
But spite and madness were what it met
With ignorence and hatred it was fed.

Struggeling through life with best intentions
It was a fight in all dimensions
Never it lost it's core of hope
Against all cruelty it tried to cope

But as time went by and brick came to brick
The heart in the poor child often felt sick
It tried to communicate justice and love
Alas, it lost without help from above

And with the heart the world went down
Gave into the fight and threw the crown
If you ever wonder why the world went astray
It's because they threw the heart away.

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Teksten er publiceret 21/04-2007 18:57 af Lisbeth Lautaro (lautaro) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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