A dark and dangerous night

21 år siden 0 kommentarer Digte

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Jane Røken (f. 1948)


It was a dark and gloomy night:
no shine, nor stars nor moons;
when I would kite in endless height
and set sail on bleak lagoons.

Now the only 'maybe' that could predicate me
to set out on this search for dragoons,
was the doubt about whether the hunting was free,
which was told me in the cities and toons.

It was a dark and moonless night
that I sailed the bleak lagoons,
where the sorrysad sailor wrapped up in his own right
gives up his white feather and maroons.

The sailor he scuttled his way through the mist
to get on the trainboat there;
but who would insist on filling his fist
with silver to pay his fare?

"He comes here to tell of some curious rules
that he once used to follow, he claims;
now and then he drools about unheard-of tools
and calls them unsuitable names."


It was a dark and dreary night,
and it was getting late;
and later still was that Dragon in white
whom the lunatics call their fate.

"The later the fate, the lighter the fight,"
croaks he, and slithers by,
while imminent researches on an unknown rite
are being granted on the sly.

So you may be the One who brings
comfort and joy to men;
but unexpected things on twilight wings
will drive you home again.

And never you think that the world would blink
one moment, or two, for your sake,
if you threatened to push parachutes o'er the brink
and dismantle the emergency brake.

For the only reason that anyone needs
not to stand up and do just the same,
is the rumour of watchtow'rs and dreadful deeds
and the fear of losing one's name.


It took a dark and stormy night
before it appeared, by and by,
that all did right to step out in the light
and let their prerogatives dry.

It was a dark and daring night
that lasted until late afternoons,
when all agreed upon a second sight
and everyone signed the taloons:

No more war! No more wounds!
No more ups and no more doons!
No more troopers! No more loons!
No more painted jesters and cloons!

No more sticks and no more spoons!
No more borders and captive balloons!
No more fear and frowning! No doomsday bassoons!
Today's apocalypse is tomorrow's Mickey Mouse cartoons!

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Teksten er publiceret 04/05-2004 19:02 af Jane Røken (Maui) og er kategoriseret under Digte.
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