Welcome to the real life

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Herdis Jensen (f. 1991)

Welcome to the real life.
Save your soul while you still can.
Take a look around you,
Look at all the dead bodies,
Look into their empty eyes.
Smell the blood in the air.
Save your soul while you still can.

This is the real life.
Save your soul while you still can.
Filled with pain and blood,
Filled with sorrow,
Mercy doesn't exist here,
Feel the cold surrounding you.
Save your soul while you still can.

Here is no love anymore,
Save your soul while you still can.
It was all ripped away,
Only hate and emptiness,
Here is nothing left.
Now dead rules it all.
Save your soul while you still can.

This is the true story.
Save your soul while you still can.
Ashes from burned friendship,
Feel your heart freeze,
Hear the song turn to stone,
Taste the pain in the water.
Save your soul while you still can.

Welcome to my world.
Save your soul while you still can.
Welcome to my life.
This is a dead world,
This is an empty life.
Run before it's too late.
Save your soul while you still can.

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Teksten er publiceret 10/12-2007 22:28 af Herdis Jensen (Fuintari) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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