When looking

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Bo Schlichting (f. 1971)

When looking at the past, with all it's history.
All the sad and evil things we have seen.
All the pain we have endured just to survive.
When looking at the past, how can we avoid catching a tear in the eye?

When looking at the past, with the memory of those who is no more.
All the wonderful people we have met in our lifetime.
All the glamorous moments, we have shared with other people.
When looking at the past, how can we avoid getting a smile on our face?

When looking at the present, with the demanding clock on the wall.
All the seconds so quickly ticking away.
All the minutes which will soon pass.
When looking at the present, how can we avoid stopping for a second?

When looking at the present, with the world laying in front of us.
All the options you can choose between right now.
All the choices you can make here and now.
When looking at the present, how can we avoid making a change?

When looking, do you dare to look at all the people around you?
When looking, do you dare to see the hope and the sorrow?
When looking, do you dare to use a second on a smile to a stranger?
When looking, do you dare to change the future?

In the memory of Agnes and Jens Hansen (my grand parents).

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Teksten er publiceret 31/07-2005 22:49 af Bo Schlichting og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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