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Isak Zachariasen (f. 1985)

The shards within your eyes that are foreshadowing the end
they are so uncomfortably clear
falling now forever, I remember you my friend
I held you so uncomfortably dear
those neurotic screams of silence that ask me to go blind
emotions that I now refuse to feel
those psychotic dreams of violence that want to eat my mind
this silent wish that none of this was real

Do you still remember how we used to fall through the air
that silent wish to slowly disappear
how we used to laugh, how we used to cease to care
nurturing that innermost fear
between us now, a shadow-wall, so beautiful, so cold
your hollow eyes are screaming at the night
those whispers, premonitions, of stories never told
as we spread our wings and take to flight

Those holes in your soul that are screaming at the stars
but they don't hear and they refuse to see
those memories we fear, that are painting our scars
but we won't hear that final cold decree
whispers in the wind that sing an ancient song of hate
oh I would love to tear your eyes apart
I know this is the end - yet another twist of fate
now finish me - destroy this blackened heart

The mirrors in my mind are reflecting my decay
a shattered soul that I know to be me
and the light I cannot find, though I seek it every day
as I am told that I cannot be free
I'm hollow now, a shell that is bereft of will to live
There's nothing left for me to be, my dear
engulfed by darkness I reside, I have nothing more to give
how I wish I did not want to hold you near

The frozen touch of your lips complete the darkness of your hair
your eyes become a reminisce of death
your soul is oh so cold you are so frighteningly fair
your eyes belie the softness of your breath
your voice, a thousand blades that forever scar my soul
the way that you are screaming through my mind
that cold and tender grace, oh so deadly to behold
there is nothing left for me to find

Clinical, my mind is ever falling through the void
a testament to what I have become
tell the stories, tell the tales of the dreams that I destroyed
how I would scar your soul and eat the sun
ruining your perceptions, what you thought you understood
I am shattered, I have nothing left to be
now I have to eat your soul, destroy your eyes for good
ever-changing lies that I won't see

paint the sky in shades of madness, how I want to be undone
time is slowly screaming through my mind
I refuse to see, I'm scatter-brained, on the run
Dandelion syndrome, wanting to be blind
lingering emotions, all those words that won't be spoken
the mantle darkness now I wear
I am incapable of feeling, I am shattered and broken
I tell you, you have everything to fear

Those insects crawling in my eyes that whisper lies in my mind
As deformed children run to eat the sun
Their decapitated bodies are so wonderfully blind
And they will destroy this world for fun
Now God has proven his might, by committing suicide
His head was parted from his body with my blade
And we slaughter one another as the gravy trains collide
A lovely ending to this bloody masquerade

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Teksten er publiceret 23/09-2005 21:43 af Isak Zachariasen (Azagal) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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